2016년 3월 28일 월요일

[Link] 상속된 class들을 위한 DB model 방법들.

Refactoring 중 data modeling을 다시 하다보니 db table을 변경해야할 필요가 생겼음.
기존 table들이 single table inheritance형태로 되어 있던데 적당히 정규화 해서 분리해야할 듯함.


Martin Fowler discusses this extensively in his book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture book. Get this book and look into:
  1. Single Table Inheritance
  2. Class Table Inheritance
  3. Concrete Table Inheritance
The Website should give you some idea. You might also want to read the section on inheritance mappers. Each of the different approaches have their pros and cons so choose wisely.
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Single Table Inheritance

Class Table Inheritance

Concrete Table Inheritance

How to Model Inheritance in a Relational Database
: 관련 article, view를 사용해서 적절한 data structure를 제공해 주는 방법

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